The Greatness of His Love

The crown of thorns, the three nails and the purple mantle from the crucifixion.

An article in an old magazine from the 1930s contains an amazing account of how much a parent is willing to sacrifice to save his only son whom he loves. The paper says: “Recently, there was an account of a wealthy father, the famous financist Sneit in America. The sacrifices this father has made for his only son, his heir, because of his severe sickness, are inestimable. His son got sick in China and he was treated in Beijing, as in only 40 days the father spent on his treatment more than 5 million dollars. For his transportation to America, to Chicago, he spent about 6 million dollars… On one occasion the father said: “Maintaining my son’s life costs me 2,000 dollars a day and I don’t care about it…” His son’s sickness cost him an enormous amount of money every year but any money was worthless compared to the preciousness of life! How much more was the father willing to give to save his son’s life!?

When I think of the preciousness, the worth of human life, I remember the words uttered by Jesus on one occasion:

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:26.

Yet even though man’s life is so precious, it is still temporary and feeble, compared to the greatness of the handiwork of the Creator, and we could very well say, in agreement with the words of the Bible:

“So the heathen shall fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth thy glory. When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.” Ps. 102:15, 16.

But what is the reason why man’s life is so sad and tragic? On the one hand, life is so precious that it cannot be compared to anything that perishes and that is of this world. There is nothing that equals it, when it comes to worth, yet it is so feeble and defenseless. The reason for this lies in human flesh, in our weak carnal mind that desires the pleasures and ease of this world. Well we might say, along with the apostle:

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6:23.

Shall God, our Creator, forget about us – those poor, wretched beings? From the example given above, we see that a true father is willing to sacrifice everything he has for his child. And how does our Creator deem us?

“Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.” Ps. 103:13, 14.

The fact that man’s life cannot be exchanged for anything in this world shows that in on earth there is nothing that could equal it and that could ransom and recover the life of the perishing one. Matt. 16:26. So we must conclude that more precious than human life can only be that life which is hidden in the Creator God himself.

In order to better illustrate God’s love for the sinner, I will cite the example that is given to us in the Scriptures by an ancient man of faith – Abraham, of whom it is written in Genesis 22. The faith of this man was put to a test. He was told to offer his only-begotten son as a sacrifice to God at a particular place. This is the most costly and heart-rendering sacrifice man has ever been asked to make. His long-awaited and only son was to be offered as a sacrifice! Beyond the shadow of a doubt, this caring father would rather sacrifice his own life than the life of his child! When they had neared the place where the sacrifice was to take place, the son asked:

“My father… Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”

How these words must have rent the father’s heart! When we follow the account further on, with hushed breaths and numb from astonishment, we read about the amazing surrender and faith of the father who does not stop, even at the last step. We also see the special submission and faith of the young son who, understanding the holy and great privilege to give himself in sacrifice to God, willingly lays in the hands of his father… At that last moment, when the knife was raised, the hand of the father was suddenly stayed and the voice of a heavenly messenger was heard, who stayed his hand and gave him a message of God. The life of the son was given to him as a present. With this, God revealed the great plan for the salvation of sinful man. To Abraham was revealed that God himself has condescended to give his only-begotten Son as a sacrifice.

„Защото Бог толкова възлюби света, че даде Своя Единороден Син, за да не погине нито един, който вярва в Него, но да има вечен живот“ (Йоан 3:16).

To Abraham was revealed the sacrifice that Heaven was to give on Calvary for sinful man. John 8:56-58. The sacrifice of God’s dear Son could not be substituted for anything else, “for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.

The Son of God, on his last night in Gethsemane, fell on his face in deep anguish and prayed:

“O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt… O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.” Matt. 26:36-44.

On Calvary, crucified, with wounds on his hands and feet, with head covered with blood, under the scorn and mockings of men, suffered the Son of God! The Father who gave his son as a sacrifice also suffered in indescribable agony. The angels and the unfallen beings also suffered. The cross was veiled in an impenetrable darkness. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…”

Hung on the cross, the Savior prayed for his enemies:

„Отче, прости им, защото не знаят какво правят“ (Лука 23:34).

What love is this!? Dear reader, do you know the Son of God who died for you on Calvary? Do you comprehend how great is the love of God towards you, so that he gave his only-begotten Son as a sacrifice for you so that you would receive the true, future eternal life that was lost because of sin? Is there a place in your heart and home for this kind, loving Savior? How terrible is life without the Savior!?

In the early morning of 15 April 1912, the largest ship that had been made by that time, Titanic, mightily pierced through the waves of the ocean with 2,240 people on board. In the dancing halls, bars, and smoking rooms could be heard merry, careless laughter. They didn’t feel a need of anything, they didn’t miss anything.

There was only One who was missing, and this is the Savior! There was no place for him in this ship. Without the Savior of the world, they were so happy, that a married couple were saying to each other: “I have never been happier. I’m so happy that I don’t even want to know about tomorrow, I want life to end here.”

Suddenly, the Titanic, running at the fastest speed, wrecks with terrible force into a large iceberg. After midnight, an alarm is given. The last boats, filled with women and children, shivering, clothed in ball dresses, leave the sinking ship. In the back part of the ship, there are left 1,512 passengers and crew, in anticipation of inevitable death. The orchestras play the hymn: “Nearer, my God, to thee,” and 1,600 people start chanting these words. Those who forgot their Savior, who banished him from their halls of pleasure, as they felt that they would be happy without him… at the end, before their death, sought him with hearts rent of sorrow, but it was late.

Dear reader, you are also traveling in your ship through the sea of life. Is there room with you for your dear Savior or – because of your many cares, work, and pleasures, he is banished from your home? Do you feel happy without him? He tells you:

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:26.

Do you want to search for him at the end, with a heart-rendering prayer, singing the same hymn, “Nearer, my God, to thee?”, when it is too late? Or do you want to seek him now and find true happiness, salvation, and worth in your life with him? 2 Cor. 6:1, 2. Would you carelessly neglect the greatness of his love, expressed on Calvary?

I admonish you to often think of the great sacrifice, to seek him earnestly in prayer and you will be able to know and feel the greatness of his love towards you!

„Понеже Човешкият Син дойде да потърси и да спаси погиналото“ (Лука 19:10).

He is seeking you. Will you ignore this Love that is searching for you?

Статии за по-нататъшно изучаване:

Christ’s Trial in the Judgment Hall of Pilate

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