Bible Again

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A ladder leading up to the sky with bright light above it.

Той те търси

You may feel that this world day by day gets colder and more cruel. Sympathy, compassion, and kind words, motivated by sincere love, are seldom met today. Feeling the rudeness and cruelty of life, someday...
The crown of thorns, the three nails and the purple mantle from the crucifixion.

The Greatness of His Love

What love is this!? Dear reader, do you know the Son of God who died for you on Calvary? Do you comprehend how great is the love of God towards you, so that he gave...
A boat that is tossed by the stormy waves of the sea.

My Peace I Give Unto You

Everywhere is found the conviction that we are fast approaching the complete collapse of our civilization. A painful fear fills the hearts of men as they see the clouds gathering on the horizon from every...