Hourglass placed on a rock with stormy clouds above it. БИБЛИЯ

Денят Господен е близо

As our heavenly Father has always warned the righteous men before any of the more important events would occur, how much more he will do so in the present day!? Through his dear Word, he shall remind all faithful Christians about the Second Coming being at hand.

A ladder leading up to the sky with bright light above it. ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ

Той те търси

You may feel that this world day by day gets colder and more cruel. Sympathy, compassion, and kind words, motivated by sincere love, are seldom met today. Feeling the rudeness and cruelty of life, someday you will sense a need for true compassion and love which would warm your heart. You will feel lonely in the world, maybe even fall into despair. Then remember these words of a friend: There is One who still loves you and is seeking for you. He desires to encourage you and help you. He can understand you fully. He loves you so much that he gave his life for you!

The crown of thorns, the three nails and the purple mantle from the crucifixion. БИБЛИЯ

The Greatness of His Love

What love is this!? Dear reader, do you know the Son of God who died for you on Calvary? Do you comprehend how great is the love of God towards you, so that he gave his only-begotten Son as a sacrifice for you so that you would receive the true, future eternal life that was lost because of sin? Is there a place in your heart and home for this kind, loving Savior? How terrible is life without the Savior!?

A boat that is tossed by the stormy waves of the sea. ХРИСТИЯНСТВО

My Peace I Give Unto You

Everywhere is found the conviction that we are fast approaching the complete collapse of our civilization. A painful fear fills the hearts of men as they see the clouds gathering on the horizon from every side. “Another war will sweep away the world… and it will find all nations equipped to destroy our civilization with their weapons.”

The Bible on a rock with bright sky behind it. ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ

What Was the Mission of Christ?

Christ, the Son of God, left Heaven’s glory to save the sons of men who had sunk into misery and sins but who strove for happiness and life. To reveal the Father, to seek those who were lost, and to win eternal redemption – this was the mission of Christ.