The faith of the early church rested on the solid truth that Christ died for the sins of the world and he was buried and rose on the third day according to the Scriptures. Paul...
After God created heaven and earth and all that in them is in six days, on the seventh day he rested from all his works that he had made and God blessed the seventh day...
The silent submission of Christ impressed the scene upon their minds – a scene that was never to be erased, until they should acknowledge Him as Christ, or decide their own fate by rejecting Him.
As our heavenly Father has always warned the righteous men before any of the more important events would occur, how much more he will do so in the present day!? Through his dear Word, he...
What love is this!? Dear reader, do you know the Son of God who died for you on Calvary? Do you comprehend how great is the love of God towards you, so that he gave...
Very often the coming of Christ is viewed as an ordinary faith doctrine. But it is more than a doctrine which should just be accepted, it is also an awe-inspiring event which is to transpire...