My Peace I Give Unto You

A boat that is tossed by the stormy waves of the sea.

Our present situation

Everywhere is found the conviction that we are fast approaching the complete collapse of our civilization. A painful fear fills the hearts of men as they see the clouds gathering on the horizon from every side. “Another war will sweep away the world… and it will find all nations equipped to destroy our civilization with their weapons.”

This may be the worst fear of our time – the fear of another war; because everyone knows that as soon as the first sound of a war signal is heard, then devastation, worse than any other we have experienced before in the saddest hours of history, is going to break upon our world.

But this fear is not the only one. In many countries, people fear the rise of revolutions and civil wars which can be even more dreadful than any war between rival nations.

The hope that was so widely held in the past, that mankind, through their own praiseworthy efforts, will soon enter into a new, glorious age of peace and prosperity, has disappeared long ago. Its place has been taken by utter despair because of the ineffectiveness of any efforts of such kind. Conference after conference, held to heal the terrible situation, has presented only vain speeches of excuse, apology, and self-defense. The way toward an earthly paradise has only turned once prospering places into a desolate, lamentable wilderness. The calm lake from which humanity hoped to satisfy their thirst, that had become more and more grievous with the passing of centuries, turned out to be only a mirage. What is left is only the fear of the impending catastrophe.

The promise of the Lord

In such a time as this, how comforting are the words of the Lord:

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27.

This is a promise, the purpose of which is to expel fear from every burdened heart. It is given by One, Who is sitting on the eternal throne of his Father, Whose everlasting peace is not beclouded by any anxious thought. This promise comes from One, Who knows the end from the very beginning, Who is silently taking care of us, and Who “hath done all things well” (Mark 7:37), and Who slowly but surely brings to fulfillment His all-wise purpose.

This peace which flows from the heart of the dear Son of God is being offered to us. Now I turn to you, who are so afraid of the future, so perplexed by anxiety, so worried about yourself and your children: Jesus is most tenderly saying to you, “My peace I give unto you.”

This is a peace that cannot be bought with money, that cannot be earned with great earnestness. It must be accepted as a gift. Expressed in one word, it is to have and manifest trust in the Giver. This peace means that you trust God that He is going to take care of you and provide that in the end, everything will work out for your good.

Above all the vain sayings of the nations, above the fearful rumbling of the approaching storm, the voice of Jesus, like a melodious song, rings in the ears of all who love him.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

When Jesus uttered those cheering words, our world had sunk in a midnight darkness. The hand of the great majority of men was lifted against the Savior. He knew that soon he was about to be crucified, to suffer the terrible death of a most hated criminal. Yet in his heart, there was no fear – only a silent, unflinching trust in his Father.

The peace that passes all understanding

The same sweet calmness, the same wonderful peace that passes all understanding can be ours as well. We must expect the same final victory as that victory which the Savior was looking forward to, that warmed and strengthened his heart among the mockings, scorn, persecution, and contempt. We are told that he, “for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame” (Heb. 12:2). What joy? Undoubtedly, the joy of his final victory over death and the joy of the final gathering with his earthly friends, the joy that he shall see the complete restoration of this earth that was marred by the entrance of sin.

With firm trust, he was looking forward to the day of his glorious coming when he shall bring redemption to His people and crown all those who are suffering with everlasting victory. This joyful day is very near!

The constant thought of Christ about the ultimate success of his merciful purpose made him capable of meeting with calmness every extreme situation in his life. Now, he is saying to us: “Believe in this same victory. Then this same peace will fill your hearts. Trust in Me as your Leader, that I will bring you securely through every trial. I will gladly share my victory with you. Believe in Me and you will surely sit with Me on My Father’s throne.”

This message of peace is the essence of the gospel of Christ. It is the only sure comfort for every restless heart. This is the message that is being proclaimed to mankind through the large missionary movement which is responsible for issuing these articles.

Fear and trust

In this dark hour, so near to the decisive crisis of the ages, we ought not to be afraid of people, nor of war, nor of revolutions, nor of anything else that the future may hold in store, but we must…

“Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters” (Rev. 14:7).

If we fear God and give glory to him by trusting him completely and unreservedly with our lives and everything that we are, then all worries will disappear from our hearts. Our restless mind, ruthlessly beaten by fear and doubt, will calm down and assume the appearance of a sea, quieted after the passing of a storm. Our painful worry for the future will vanish and the path of salvation will open up before our eyes. The peace that flows from the inexhaustible fountains of eternity will fill our hearts and minds forever more. This is the only way in which peace for the individual and the world can be brought about because general peace is not accomplished by international arrangements and agreements but only through peace in the heart of the individual.

“My peace I give unto you.” Christ is offering us this priceless peace. Shall we not accept it today?

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