Christ’s Coming

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In volutpat bibendum vestibulum. In quis maximus urna, eu aliquet magna. Nam quis sapien maximus, fermentum nulla at, ornare nisl. Nam nec tortor non enim vehicula fermentum. Duis malesuada, nulla sit amet efficitur ultricies, purus nibh vulputate massa, vel iaculis dui dolor sit amet odio. Phasellus a porta mi, vel pretium dui. Nulla facilisi. Ut turpis augue, sagittis eget maximus eu, pharetra eget metus. Donec sed urna tincidunt elit blandit fermentum sit amet a dolor.
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Be Watchful And Pray

God has always warned men before bringing judgment upon them. Whoever believed in his message and evidenced his faith by his works was saved from the judgment that was poured out upon the ungodly and the unbelieving. God said to Noah:
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What was the mission of Christ?

Christ, the Son of God, left Heaven’s glory to save the sons of men who had sunk into misery and sins but who strove for happiness and life. To reveal the Father, to seek those who were lost, and to win eternal redemption – this was the mission of Christ.
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