Time is fast running out. The present is full of events which deserve our attention. These events multiply so fast that they don’t even attract the attention of most people. Most people have gotten used to those things and even the most dreadful of events could trouble them only for a short time, as soon afterwards they would again be swept by the stream of time. This is the distinguishing sign of our time. Yet there is a danger for us.
The great number of events in all areas, the turbulent and alarming times, and the fierce struggle of life have made many people senseless and dull to the higher and more important matters that concern their eternal well-being. The world has never seen such a development in the realm of technology as today. The places of entertainment and amusement have never been as widely visited as today.
These worldly entertainments are the modern means by which man acquires a few hours of forgetfulness, that he might turn his mind from his true condition. Yet there is not much benefit from them and their effect lasts but a short time. A constant and true joy and eternal happiness have never been found in these ways.
What the world lacks and what it needs
The world is wretched, miserable, and unhappy. It is full of strife, bitterness, tears, sickness and death. These things lead men either to despair or to hardness of heart. Men have always tried to soften or change their gloomy fate. Such attempts have often been made, yet without success. In vain and uselessly has the world striven to find peace, happiness, and satisfaction – the most highly esteemed possession of the heart. The hunt for these things has not succeeded to this day. Our time is especially rich in ideas, ideals, and programs that aim to turn the hopeless condition of the world into an earthly paradise. The age-long struggle of nations in the past to attain peace, agreement, and prosperity has always ended in disappointment. We may expect the same now. Men expected an improvement by changing the external conditions or the state of society and this is where the great mistake lies. The spiritual qualities needed will never be acquired by a reform in the world and herein lies its deadly weakness. Since the world in and of itself cannot come to believe in the living God, it must therefore rely on earthly measures that would only disappoint those who put their trust in them.
The only sure path
Do we want to rejoice, to have peace in our hearts? We can have this only as we embrace the gospel of Christ. There is no other path that is more sure and tried than this path. Thousands, even millions of people in the past as well as in the current time have found it and have witnessed by their lives for the value of the faith in the living God.
Yet faith is diminishing today. Many are left only with the name of “Christian”. The reasons for this must be sought in the churches themselves. Church life has been cold or dead. Ministers who work only for gain misuse the Word and deprive it of its value. Yet it still possesses the same power and it evidences its force in those who accept it with their whole hearts.
The great work of God in this time
The greatest work begins from that which is of the smallest scope. Jesus of Nazareth taught and preached for three years and a half to a hardened and self-willed nation. The leaders of the people fought against him throughout his ministry and in the end, they put him to death on a shameful cross but they could not withstand his doctrine. His disciples brought his work forward.
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Mark 16:15-16.
This is the great mission given to the twelve that is in force to this day. The apostles went and preached the gospel to the then-known world. All those who came to believe in the gospel in their turn preached it to others, and with time Christianity dispelled the darkness of heathenism, superstition, and unbelief. The Roman Empire sought with all its force to exterminate the new teaching and its adherents. Though many thousands lost their lives for the sake of Christ, Rome did not succeed in silencing by the force of arms the new doctrine. The harsh Roman force was not able to harm to the least extent the believers in Christ. On the contrary, in their greatest suffering, they were more than conquerors.
Is there any other faith that has gone through so many persecutions and so numerous victories without arms? This is the faith that has been defended throughout the ages of pagan superstition and papal darkness by the faithful martyrs for Christ. His Word is spirit and life. In the love of God lies the victorious power of the gospel.
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matt. 24:14.
The world is thirsting and hungering for righteousness, truth, and love. The gospel offers these. And this everlasting gospel must be preached to every nation for their salvation. And let us strive to fulfill the commission that Christ has left us so that His coming may be hastened. To serve this aim is our mission.