What Responsibility Do We Have Today as Christians?
To the question regarding the reason for this rare success of Jonah, we can answer that his extraordinary experience in relation to the message ordained by God gave convincing power to his words.
To the question regarding the reason for this rare success of Jonah, we can answer that his extraordinary experience in relation to the message ordained by God gave convincing power to his words.
No one can save themselves. No one can make themselves happy on their own. There is no human way or human means that can make a mortal man worthy of the everlasting gift of heaven. Man can find salvation only through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of the Son of God.
This is the faith that has been defended throughout the ages of pagan superstition and papal darkness by the faithful martyrs for Christ. His Word is spirit and life. In the love of God lies the victorious power of the gospel.
God has always warned men before bringing judgment upon them. Whoever believed in his message and evidenced his faith by his works was saved from the judgment that was poured out upon the ungodly and the unbelieving. God said to Noah: